Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Well SP already got a start on it but I was at work (really wish I took the picture when I thought of it a month ago)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hydraulic wood splitters are fun!

What a productive weekend we had splitting the rest of the wood.
Thanks to our friend Bruce (in blue for his help).
Bruce is the friend that brings all the fireworks to our house.
 Hi Bruce!

I never knew industrial sized power tools could be so fun! Can we do it again please?

Here's a seldom seen photo of prematurely grey me!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's been a busy season.

 I don't know if I have blogged about it or not yet, but we officially went crazy this spring and summer and raised pigs. Yup - two big old girls named Hamlet and Kevin. Yes they were both girls with men's names. Hamlet seems clear enough that you can figure it out, but Kevin she was the special one. Kevin Bacon is now in our freezer and she was some pig! Here's a little photo essay of their time here on our homestead.

Kevin is home and in the freezer

That's a lot of pork!!

Bringing up a boy

Teaching him how to gnaw on a bone.
Good boy!

Bring it on Winter! We are ready!